Werewolves Wiki
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Part of the Ginger Snaps Trilogy series
See the Ginger Snaps wiki for more information about the trilogy

Beast of Bailey Downs
Played by Nick Nolan
Films Ginger Snaps

The Beast of Bailey Downs was an antagonist in Ginger Snaps, and the werewolf who infected Ginger Fitzgerald.



The Beast of Bailey Downs was a lycanthrope that prowled the forests surrounding the rural community of Bailey Downs. Though it mostly hunted small animals such as dogs, it found a more savory victim in the form of Ginger Fitzgerald. The beast attacked Ginger and her sister in the woods, biting her and spreading its infection. The beast could’ve have been infected by a werewolf that survived the events of ginger snaps back: the beginning

During this harrowing encounter, Brigitte managed to snap a picture of the animal with her Polaroid. As the two girls fled from the monster, it chased them across the road where it was struck and killed by a motorist named Sam.

External Links[]

See the Beast of Bailey Downs on the Ginger Snaps wiki.

Ginger logo CHARACTERS

Ginger Fitzgerald - Brigitte Fitzgerald - Jason McCardy - Geoffery Rowlands

The Beast of Bailey Downs (Ginger Snaps) - The Werewolf (Ginger Snaps 2) - Werewolves (Ginger Snaps Back)
